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Hello everyone,  

This week we have the KAIROS Blanket Exercise on Saturday and a potluck and birthday celebration on Sunday!  

Feb 22 – KAIROS blanket exercise from 1:30 – 4:30 in the Sanctuary.  

Feb 23 – Potluck Lunch and birthday celebration. Bring a dish to share for lunch. Birthday Cake will be provided. There will also be a special Lenten project for everyone to participate in. AND we will be burying the "Alleluia".


Lent begins on February 28th.  There are three Ash Wednesday services to choose from, held at Anglican or Lutheran churches across North Vancouver: · 

7:30am at St. John’s · 

12:00pm at St. Catherine’s 

7:00pm at Gloria Dei :


March 1 – Annual General Meeting You should have received a notice of AGM this past week.  If you did not, please contact the church office.  It is important that everyone attend this meeting, so please mark it on your calendar and plan to be there. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

March 5th – Lenten Soup suppers and Holden Evening Prayer service begins for Lent.  This is held every Thursday evening beginning with soup at 6:30 and service at approximately 7:00. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Two items of note from the BC Synond

1.    THE ELCIC Vision Task Force wants your stories of the faith, life and identity of our National Church Members of the ELCIC Vision Statement Task Force are working to gather stories of our faith, life and identity with hopes of gaining new clarity into our work and eventual recommendations. We are seeking for your input as we discern together who we are as a church and what God is calling us to be in the future. Tell us your story by engaging in an exercise of imagination. We hope you can take a moment to explore the questions in this survey and offer your feedback. These questions can be answered individually or in a group. Our hope is to have stories gathered from across the ELCIC. Deadline for responses is March 31. 


2.    Climate Justice Action Group: An invitation to participate in leading our synod in climate justice learning and actions SATURDAY, MARCH 7 at 9:30 am using Zoom teleconferencing. You are invited into a journey of learning, changing, acting, and encouraging. We are seeking people from across our synod who would be interested in joining a Climate Justice Action task force that will intentionally engage this important work. If you are interested in being part of the Climate Justice Action Group and would like to participate in the Zoom teleconference on Saturday, March 7, please RSVP by sending an email to or by calling the synod office at 604.524.1318. =====================================================    

