Hello everyone,
After the service this Sunday please join us at a forum led by Pr Vida:
Flourishing Congregations Survey Pastor Vida will present the results of the Flourishing Congregations Survey this Sunday. Grab a cup of coffee and meet in the Fireside Room following the service.
Upcoming events to remember:
Feb 22 – KAIROS blanket exercise. Register with Pr Vida. More information is on our website at https://www.gloriadei.ca/
Feb 23 – Potluck Lunch and birthday celebration.
Lent begins on February 28th.
There are three Ash Wednesday services to choose from, held at Anglican or Lutheran churches across North Vancouver: ·
7:30am at St. John’s ·
12:00pm at St. Catherine’s
7:00pm at Gloria Dei :
March 1 – Annual General Meeting ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Climate Justice Action Group:
An invitation to participate in leading our synod in climate justice learning and actions SATURDAY, MARCH 7 at 9:30 am using Zoom teleconferencing. You are invited into a journey of learning, changing, acting, and encouraging. We are seeking people from across our synod who would be interested in joining a Climate Justice Action task force that will intentionally engage this important work. If you are interested in being part of the Climate Justice Action Group and would like to participate in the Zoom teleconference on Saturday, March 7, please RSVP by sending an email to or by calling the synod office at 604.524.1318.
We live in a time where we are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of our modern lifestyles and our fossil fuel dependency. Humans, especially the most vulnerable and impoverished, and nonhuman creation are adversely affected by this environmental crisis. As people of faith committed to justice and peace, we have a responsibility to act.
We are all called as baptized children of God to be engaged in this environmental justice work, a call that has gone out from our Lutheran siblings from across the globe represented by the Lutheran World Federation, a call affirmed by our national church at the 2019 ELCIC National Convention, and a call the youth of our congregations and communities are asking us to prayerfully and radically embrace. As Christians we understand that God is the creator of the universe and we are simply creatures. We are creatures privileged with stewardship responsibilities and called by God to care for and tend the land, the water, the air, and the rich variety of species that inhabit the ecosystems around us in this beautiful world. But stewardship is not dominion to exploit God’s creation. As Christians, we are called and empowered by the Holy Spirit to work to protect God’s creation, to ensure that siblings in more vulnerable communities are safe and healthy today and moving forward, and that future generations also are able to enjoy God’s creation. Stewardship of creation and our Christian commitment to all of God’s children calls us to move toward climate justice, to support more sustainable and equitable development, including cleaner and safer global sources of power and fuel, as well as embracing alternatives to the “throw-away” culture and the conspicuous consumption that we have normalized in recent decades. We are called to “greener” lifestyles as individuals and as worshiping communities, so that our daily disciplines and habits, our worship spaces and land, and our church programs and practices may be a light to the nations, witnessing to our care for God’s creation and our love for all our neighbours.
The Climate Justice Action Group will explore possible actions for congregations, our synod, and individuals. It will identify and promote resources, bring a prophetic voice to our faith communities, and facilitate advocacy in our communities and province. In addition, it will encourage and facilitate the changing of our habits and practices.
If you are interested in being part of the Climate Justice Action Group, please RSVP by sending an email to or by calling the synod office at 604.524-1318.
May God’s peace be with you all.
Bishop Greg Mohr =========================================================
A message from the President of Metro Vancouver Alliance’s Board of Directors: (We are a member of MVA and Gail Berger is our representative)
Hello, As President of MVA's Board of Directors, I want to thank you and your leadership team for your support and commitment to the unique contributions Metro Vancouver Alliance makes to our communities. During our upcoming Strategy Summit, Metro Vancouver Alliance is hosting a stimulating Leaders event celebrating the importance of civil society institutions in these challenging times.
You are cordially invited to an Alliance Leaders Luncheon on Friday, February 28, 11:30am-1:30pm at the BC Government & Service Employees Union Lower Mainland Area Office #103, 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver Featuring: Guest Speaker Ernesto Cortes, Jr. of the Industrial Areas Foundation (MVA's international network) "Strong Institutions for a Stronger Democracy"
As decision-makers shaping your organization, you are called to take the long view for its sustainability and for the good of the community you represent. MVA recognizes that all civil society institutions share certain perspectives and values, distinct in vital ways from market motives And yet, it is rare for leaders to connect beyond their own field of endeavour. We believe there's strength and hope to be found in recognizing allies across the community. We hope you'll join us for this opportunity for networking, inspiration, and dialogue.
This invitation is open to all on your senior leadership team and your Board members.
Please send queries or your RSVP (with any dietary restrictions) to: info@metvanalliance.org.
Best regards,
Deb Cameron-Fawkes
About Ernesto Cortes Jr. MVA is privileged to have the expertise and oversight of one of the great community organizers and educators of the last 40+ years. Ernesto Cortés, Jr. is the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) co-director and executive director of the West / Southwest IAF regional network. After attending an IAF training in Chicago and organizing in Wisconsin and Indiana in the early 1970s, Cortés returned to San Antonio in 1974 to found Communities Organized for Public Service (COPS), the nationally recognized church-based grass roots organization of San Antonio’s west and south side communities. In 1984, he was awarded a MacArthur fellowship, also known as a “genius grant.” In 1996, he was the recipient of an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Houston. In addition, he received the prestigious 4th Annual Heinz Award in Public Policy in 1999 and completed fellowships at the JFK School of Government at Harvard and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. He has been awarded honorary degrees from Southern Methodist University, University of St. Edwards in Austin and Rutgers University in New Jersey. In 2009 he received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Princeton University. For a lively profile of Ernie's lifelong, grass-roots work, please see this essay from Fast Company: https://www.fastcompany.com/39208/social-justice-ernesto-cortes-jr
A lot of news this week! I hope that you find this upcoming events interesting and will think about engaging in them!
Remember them in your prayers this week : Miriam, Gerry, Aud, Lois, Tilly, and Estelle.