Our choir had prepared two beautiful anthems arranged by our interim Music Director to be presented on the 4th Sunday in Advent. Alas, snowy weather and treacherous roads meant that some choir members just couldn't make the service and the anthems could not be sung as arranged.
In the weeks since then, the choir kept practicing and polishing their presentation and last Sunday, on Epiphany 2 --which also coincides with "Ukrainian Christmas" the choir presented two beautiful pieces, both arranged by our Interim Choir Director, Marcia Meyer:
What Child is This, Old English Air,
Lully Lullay - Words: Robert Croo, 16th c., Melody: Coventry Carol, Martin Shaw, 1875-1958, Arr. Marcia Meyer.
Thank-you to our choir for your devotion and commitment, to Marcia for your persistence and special thanks to Ingrid Pott and her daughter Kelsey for augmenting our small choir.