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Dear Friends,

 Today is a day of unexpected blessings and miracles, signs of how God is active and alive and present in our world and in our lives when we are open and receptive to the possibilities. 

We hear, read about, and experience healing. Fragile relationships are restored. Hope is experienced in profound ways. 


Naaman, a commander and mighty warrior, suffers from leprosy, and even though he first denies the cure, Naaman accepts the advice of his servant, and by God’s action his skin and its disease is washed clean 2 Kings. Also afflicted with leprosy, ten lepers implore God’s mercy and are made clean. But the outsider—the foreigner—is the only one who returns to give thanks. 


Many of us encounter other hardships along this journey of life - no one is spared that. The point is that at some time or other we all suffer. But our God joins us in our sufferings and in our hardships, making us whole through our spiritual cleansing of baptism and filled with God’s Spirit.  

As the leper was cleansed by Jesus, so in the Lord’s supper we receive forgiveness, hope, and a future. From these gifts, there is much for which to give thanks. On this Thanksgiving weekend, may we give thanks to God for healing that has occurred in our lives and that of our community.  May we continually live out our days in faithful response sharing with others the abundant mercy of God.   



1. Our Common Chest Challenge wraps up this week.  Well done on last week's challenge to fill up the common chest basket with cereal. What an amazing sight it was to see the basket be filled with various cereals for those who lay at our gates. This week as we give thanks for the sweet healing we are given through Christ our challenge is to fill the common chest with all things sweet and desserty, items you would consider a treat.  

Thank you for your generous hearts.


2. What does it mean to be spiritual? Is it the same as being religious? Our second session in the Animate:Faith series explores these questions.  Theologian Lillian Daniel leads us on a journey of discovery asking Where do you grow? where do you thrive? Come and join the discussion following worship.  We will meet in the fireside room at 11:30am. 



3. Next Sunday is Member Care Potluck Sunday - a congregational favourite! 

Bring a dish to share and invite a friend to share it with you! 


4. This Tuesday Oct 11 begins a book study on My Neighbour's Faith: Stories of interreligious encounter, growth and transformation.  

Where? St. Martin's Anglican (195 WINDSOR RD E, North Vancouver, BC)

Time? 10:30am - 12 noon 

Don't have the book? Not to worry the study goes until Tuesday Dec 13.


Want to know more about various goings on in the North Vancouver Region? You can find it here. The calendar is kept current with many offerings of programs to encourage learning and community.