Hello Everyone!
There is no news this week at Gloria Dei. People are away on vacation now, and we are in full summer mode!
Pr Vida and I have been working on the GD website. Check it out and let us know what you think, if you have any ideas, etc.
Also, Pastor Vida has added a Facebook button to her email signature. When you click over the image it links directly to the church FB page. Pr Vida has been posting almost daily on our FB page and it would be great if you would check it out and “like” the postings. The URL is: http://www.facebook.com/GDLCNV to access it any time. If the URL link doesn’t work directly you can hold down the CTRL key and click on it.
Yesterday she posted a really interesting article on the The Lutheran World Federation that runs the Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) in Jerusalem. I think that we forget about our world-wide ties as Lutherans, and checking out the LWF website I found that there are many sponsored projects in areas of the world that need the most help. Maybe this is something we need to talk more about.
Called to Journey Together: The Ministry of Reconciliation.
National Convention is Coming Up! Please keep delegates, volunteers, staff and officers in prayer in the coming week as they travel and meet on our behalf.The theme of the 2019 ELCIC National Convention is Called to Journey Together: The Ministry of Reconciliation. This theme is based around 2 Corinthians 5:18, "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation”.The 2019 ELCIC National Convention will lift up some of the key strategic priorities in the 2017-2022 ELCIC National Office Strategic Plan, including Reconciled Relationships which speaks to a vision of an inclusive church, Indigenous justice and reconciliation, ecumenical and interfaith partnerships, challenging racism and privilege, working with diverse allies, healthy relationships with the earth, and striving for peace.