I am racist
That is how Twila MacNair, from the United Church of Canada begins her story of learning on taking ownership of the ways that racism showed up in her life. She writes about how she would notice automatic judgements pop up in her head before she could suppress them. Her examples reminded me of my own subconcious judgments I did not know I harbored until they surfaced unannounced. The first time it happened was at my father's funeral. A priest of African descent was appointed to preside, and I found myself thinking how it would have been more fitting to have had a priest of Anglo-European heritage preside at my father's funeral, instead. Why did I think that? Did I not believe, as Twila writes, that all people are made in the image of God? But in spite of what I profess, my racist judgements and prejudices run deep within my subconcious and I need to intentionally do the work to root them out.
In our work towards becomeing actively anti-racist, Twila gives the following suggestions:
You can read Twila MacNair's complete story on the United Church webpage.
For additional reading, this is a good piece by Globe and Mail's Elizabeth Renzetti, "When it Comes to Racism against Indigenous people, we Dont Want to Look in the Mirror."